1657 Marion Center Rd.
Charlevoix MI, 49720
Phone: 231-459-8105
Email: support@jjcrystalrocks.com
Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.

Jen’s Blog

How Crystals Made A Difference In My Life

When I first started opening myself up to crystals or seeing myself attached to them, I was in a very stagnant time in my life. I was just surviving and really having no time to do what I loved. I was working 5-7 days a week, missing my daughters growing up, trying to end a very toxic relationship, I was just feeling like this is life. Go to work, rush around, rush my kids around, having no time to take the time to enjoy my life. I purchased my first necklace a piece of danburite that was wire wrapped by… Read More »

Do you have good spiritual hygiene?

Do you have good spiritual hygiene? Are you starting out every morning with grounding and protecting as a first? So many times people ask how to advance their spiritual gifts and they are completely missing the foundation. You have to have a routine that is established. Every morning I wake up, I ground, clear and visualize how I want my day along with giving gratitude. At the end of the day I clear myself of all other energies, pray and call back my energy. This is what works for me. Figure out what works for you and stick with it…. Read More »

Do You Want To Be A Healer?

I have had many people reaching out in the last few months who are coming into their spiritual awakening realizing that their gift is healing. The first thing I always ask a person is have you healed yourself? Have you done the shadow work that you need to fully understand discernment? There are some basic foundation principles that need to be learned with becoming a healer. Entities Number one: do you know what an entity is? My suggestion is to start reading everything you can on entities from many different points of view. From here, decide what resonates with your… Read More »

Quantum Healing’s and Psychic, Spiritual, & Intuitive Readings

We become forever bonded by creating a ripple effect ~ one person at a time! I feel blessed beyond measure to be making a difference in the people’s lives with whom I am given the pleasure of working with. In the past, I have literally worked with thousands of people on their spiritual journey. And all I can say, is that I feel extremely honored to be a catalyst for change in their lives. It’s important to me that people be aware that as a former registered Nurse, HIPPA is an absolute must! Therefore, your sessions will always stay confidential…. Read More »

Chakra’s and Energy Health

What Are Chakra’s? Everything is made up of energy. You are energy. Everything around you is energy. And all of that energy is constantly moving, flowing, and creating the life that is all around you. That’s a lot of energy to maneuver at any given moment! However, sometimes, your energy gets a bit of a kink in the flow. Let me explain… It is similar to a watering hose, new and shiny and glistening in the sun. When you turn on the water, the gush flows unobstructed through the entire length of the hose, splashing out into the air. This… Read More »

Crystal Jewelry Maintenance

I only work with sterling silver wire or copper, because these metals are natural and will last a life time if they are taken care of properly. Since I only work with un-coated wires, your copper or sterling silver wire wrap will oxidize over time or naturally turn darker. To refresh the shine of your piece they can be cleaned to bring back its natural luster. I only work with these types of metals, because plated materials will discolor over time and can’t be cleaned or restored. Pendants should be worn with care and taken off when you sleep or… Read More »

Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.