What Are Chakra’s?
Everything is made up of energy. You are energy. Everything around you is energy. And all of that energy is constantly moving, flowing, and creating the life that is all around you. That’s a lot of energy to maneuver at any given moment! However, sometimes, your energy gets a bit of a kink in the flow.
Let me explain…
It is similar to a watering hose, new and shiny and glistening in the sun. When you turn on the water, the gush flows unobstructed through the entire length of the hose, splashing out into the air. This makes the hose feel strong, vibrant and alive. That’s the energy flow! So what happens if you grab a spot in the middle of the hose and fold it up, whereby putting a big kink in it? You guessed it! It stops the flow, or at least seriously impedes the it. However, you can still feel the energy inside fighting to get through the bound-up space. Our energy flow is like that water gushing through the hose.
We all have energy centers inside our bodies, along our spines, that helps to regulate the flow of our energy. Those energy centers are called chakras. They are often pictured as wheels, which is what the word chakra means. The energy flows up and down, along our energy pathway that moves through the chakras. The chakras regulate the energy that runs our processes, organ functions, immune system, emotions and our mental health. Healthy, balanced living is the result of keeping your chakras open so that energy can move freely. As well as, keeping a balanced focus and clearing any blockages.
Remember just like the hose, if you get a kink in the pathway along the way the energy gets stymied.
How then, do we keep them balanced and healthy?
The chakras can be cleansed, cleared, and healed over and over again. The goal is to create a regular and purposeful maintenance checkup with yourself. Kind of like when you take your car in for an oil change and a tune-up. You can catch things early that way.
Each chakra has a realm, or an energy focus. They can either be blocked, or they may just not be allowing the energy to move freely and openly through them. That not only affects the energy manifestations of that chakra’s realm, but it can also block the energy from flowing to the other chakras. Chakras need to be nurtured, cared for, and supported in order to run smoothly.
You may be asking yourself, how can I keep myself healthy? Or, what can I do when I fall and need to be brought back to health from unhealth? Well before we can look at what to do, we first need to look at how to determine where the problem actually started. Thankfully, your body will typically tell you where your blockage is. The signals can be physical, emotional, or mental. Sometimes all of those! We will explore which chakras align with a multitude of symptoms when we go through the individual chakras later in this article. Often, you can clearly see, from the symptoms, which chakra is having difficulties. You can also find examples of chakra meditations, tarot meditations, journaling prompts, and other divination tools to help you isolate your blockages. This work is introspective, and it is not an instant fix. But you are so worth it, and you will not regret the investment into yourself!
Restoring Balance
The basic idea is that you can, with clear intention and focus, clean mucked-up energy from your chakras. The healing methods are tools and many of the techniques you can do for yourself. Some techniques you will want to explore the powerful energy of someone more experienced to assist you. You just have to stick with it. Click here to learn more about Quantum Healing.
Some tools to explore are Reiki, tarot, yoga, healing stones, quantum healing and clearing, Tai Chi, chakra meditations, acupressure and acupuncture, aromatherapy, crystal healing, ritual dancing, journaling, art journaling, and much more. If you need help finding techniques that work for you, “Contact Us and we will help you find a new tool.
The Chakra’s and Their Characteristics
The Root Chakra (1st)
The root chakra is symbolized with the color red. It is at the foundation of your body and your chakras. It is located at the base of your spine and is the root of you. The definitive statement of your root chakra is “I AM”. This is the chakra responsible for your survival instincts, our need for security and safety; any feelings of abandonment, selfishness, and restlessness; and feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
The following symptoms could be signs that your root chakra is out of balance:
- Aggression
- Depression
- Constipation
- Poor blood flow
- Angry outbursts
- Restless leg syndrome
- Anxiety
- Greediness
- Lack of focus
- Victim mindset
- Scarcity mindset
- Hoarding tendencies
- Feelings of being unsafe
Tools to help you clear out your root chakra:
- Red is the color of the root chakra – wear red, burn red candles, put out red items around you.
- Incense or essential oils or candles – earthy scents, sandalwood, patchouli, cypress, cedarwood, cloves, ginger, rosewood, black pepper.
- Healing crystals – bloodstone, red carnelian, tiger’s eye, hematite, red jasper, fire agate. This is not an exhaustive list. Any crystal that speaks to you in the realm of red stones can be helpful in clearing your root chakra energy.
The Sacral Chakra (2nd)
The sacral chakra is the second chakra going up your spine from the root. It is located in the area of your lower abdomen. It is symbolized by the color orange, and it has the defining statement of “I FEEL”. This is the chakra responsible for your sexuality, your intuition or your gut, your esteem, pleasure, and emotions. This is also the chakra responsible for both your male and female energies.
When your sacral chakra is out of balance, it could manifest with symptoms such as:
- Codependency
- Being overly sexual
- Feeling numb or out-of-touch
- Being overrun by your emotions
- Sexual dysfunctions
- Reproductive issues
- Lack of creative inspiration
Tools to help you clear out your sacral chakra:
- Orange is the color of the sacral chakra – get out your orange scarf, put out orange candles and decor, wear orange jewelry.
- Incense, essential oils, and candles – gardenia, fennel, coriander, bergamot, cardamom, clary sage.
- Healing crystals – peach moonstone, pink coral, sunstone, citrine, shiva lingam, pink banded agate, orange calcite.
The Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd)
Travelling up your spine from the sacral chakra, is the solar plexus chakra. It is the third chakra, and is located at your upper abdomen. It is symbolized by the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra definitive statement is “I DO”. This is the chakra responsible for your ego, your impulse control or self-discipline, willpower, boundaries, independence, and your personal power. This chakra governs your metabolism and your pancrease.
If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, it could manifest as the following symptoms
- Overeating
- Ulcers
- Acid reflux
- Diabetes
- Eating disorders
- Misusing your power
- Lack of clear direction
- Being manipulative
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Obsession with minute details while missing the big picture
Tools to help you clear out your solar plexus chakra:
- Yellow is the color focus for the solar plexus chakra. Wear yellow, put on a bright yellow tee shirt, wear your sunny smiley face jewelry, make a doodle page with shades of yellow.
- Incense, essential oils, and candles – carnation, sandalwood, cedarwood, bergamot, cinnamon, and ginger.
- Healing crystals – citrine, amber, golden calcite, tiger’s eye, bumblebee jasper, prehnite. You can find other beautiful crystals in this realm, look for what speaks to you or reach out to our shop to help you find the right crystal.
The Heart Chakra (4th)
The heart chakra is the next chakra on the path up your spine. It is located in the center of your chest, and is symbolized by the color green. Its definitive statement is “I LOVE”. This chakra is responsible for love, compassion, your relationships, your spirituality, and acts as a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms. The heart chakra is also a bridge between the lower and the higher chakras. Simply put, the heart chakra is the center of your energy pathways.
An imbalance with your heart chakra can lead to these kinds of symptoms:
- Bronchitis
- Jealousy
- Codependency
- Lung infections
- Holding grudges
- Respiratory ailments
- Fear of intimacy
- Being overly defensive
- Circulatory and heart problems
- Behaving reclusive or anti-social
Tools to help you clear blockages in your heart chakra:
- Green is the color of the heart chakra – put on your green socks, wear green accessories, walk in nature with the green of the plants around you, go window shopping at the plant nursery, get out the crayons and make a picture of green trees.
- Incense, essential oils, and candles – jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, rose.
- Healing crystals – pink quartz, jade, green calcite, emerald, green aventurine, rhodonite, amazonite, malachite, prehnite, chrysoprase, green tourmaline, kunzite, moldavite, moss agate, peridot.
The Throat Chakra (5th)
The throat chakra is the next up the energy pathway from the heart chakra. Just like it sounds, it is located in the throat area. It is symbolized by the color blue and has a defining statement of “I SPEAK”. The throat chakra is responsible for communication in thought, word, and writing. It is also responsible for the realms of self-expression, balance of emotions and intuition, truths, and trust.
When the throat chakra is blocked, these symptoms could manifest:
- Shyness
- Neck pain
- >Dental issues
- Mouth ulcers
- Thyroid problems
- Detachment
- Social anxiety
- Fear of speaking
- Inhibited creativity
- Chronic sore throat
- Frequent headaches
- Autoimmune dysfunctions
Tools to help with clearing the throat chakra:
- The color blue – wear it, go out and ponder the blue sky, find a blue ball to bounce around, paint a watercolor picture of a lake or sea.
- Incense, essential oils, candles – frankincense, cloves, chamomile, orange, jasmine, rose, lavender.
- Healing crystals – sodalite, amazonite, blue quartz, blue howlite, blue goldstone, kyanite, chrysocolla.
The Third-Eye Chakra (6th)
The third eye chakra is above the heart chakra along your spine. It is located in between your eyes and is symbolized by the color purple. The third eye’s defining statement is “I SEE”. The third eye chakra is responsible for your imagination, wisdom, rationality, intuition, and clairvoyance. As well as your intellect, being able to recognize your sense of purpose, and your propensity to create. It works with the rational mind to create intuitive intellect.
When the third eye chakra is unbalanced or blocked, the symptoms could manifest as:
- Burnout
- Paranoia
- Fear of change
- Indecisiveness
- Lack of purpose
- Feeling insignificant
- Feeling separate from the Source
- Being unable to tap into your intuition
- Nightmares
- Headaches
- Depression
- Clumsiness
- Sleep disorders
- Eye and sinus issues
- Hormone imbalances
- Feeling like it’s you versus the world
Tools to help you clear and unblock your third eye chakra:
- The color purple – Wear your purple hat, purple jewelry, purple socks, eat plums and purple grapes, print out a picture of something fun and color it purple.
- Incense, essential oils, candles – sandalwood, rosemary, lemon oil
- Healing crystals – Amethyst, black obsidian, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, hag stone, kyanite, blue apatite, blue quartz, blue tiger’s eye.
The Crown Chakra (7th)
The top chakra along your spine is the crown chakra, and it’s located on the top of your head. The crown chakra is symbolized by the color Indigo, and its defining statement is “I UNDERSTAND”. The crown chakra is responsible for our connection with the Divine (however you interpret that), thinking and knowing, and our spiritual wisdom. The crown chakra is also responsible for your understanding that all is one and one is all. In other words, everything is connected. This is the realm of enlightenment.
An imbalance or blockage with your crown chakra can manifest with some of these symptoms:
- Brain Fog
- Alzheimer’s
- Chronic fatigue
- Schizophrenia
- Skin rashes
- Nerve pain
- Acne
- Eczema
- Light sensitivity
- Feeling disconnected from your higher self
- Being unable to reconnect
- Lack of empathy
- Greed
- Entitlement
- Cynicism about spirituality
- Narrow-mindedness
- Being trapped by limitations
- Neurological disorders
Tools to help you clear or unblock your crown chakra:
- The color indigo – Indigo is such an easy color to incorporate, wear blue jeans, mix blue and light purple makeup to make indigo makeup to wear, make a wrist wrap
- Incense, essential oils, candles – lotus, frankincense, myrrh, nutmeg, rose, and sandalwood.
- Healing crystals – Clear quartz, amethyst, serpentine, selenite, lodolite, howlite, rutilated quartz, labradorite, selenite, sugilite, white agate, fluorite, lapis, rainbow moonstone, charoite, white calcite.
In Conclusion
This is a general and beginning look at the chakras. What’s most important to understand is that we need to be aware of our energy centers, and that they can get out of whack at times. However, we all have the power to get them spinning and flowing freely again. You will find your favorite ways to help yourself. But please stay open to new tools and techniques! Feel free to Contact Us if you need assistance finding the right healing crystals for your needs, or if you would like to schedule a Quantum Healing energy clearing session with Jennifer.
We are so happy to help!