Black Tourmaline is a protective and cleansing crystal, especially if you are in stressful situations. It offers a constant cloak of protection, so it’s a terrific choice for you if you need to keep negative energies away. It takes negative energy and transmutes it into positive energies; rather than just eliminating the negative energy, it actually takes the energy and changes it into another energy…which is truly magic at work!
Black Tourmaline is an incredible balancer! It helps to balance the right and the left brain, the yin and the yang, your inner feminine and masculine. This stone amplifies creativity and emotional understanding. It helps you work with the energies of the planetary retrogrades. Maybe you are someone that is involved in difficult and challenging situations regularly? If you are, Tourmaline is a stone that can keep you rooted as you tackle situations and encounter many personalities. An interesting and magical fact about Black Tourmaline is it becomes electrically charged simply by being rubbed! Imagine the jolt of energy you’ll receive during meditation or ritual!
Black Tourmaline and The Chakras
- Root Chakra – Tourmaline clears anger and anxiety especially! It clears away the negative energies that may be surrounding you. Great at helping you to feel safe and secure, you will feel confident to embrace who you are and speak your truth. It helps facilitate grounding between your root chakra and the center of the earth.
The Physical Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline helps us heal our physical bodies by:
- Strengthening your sense of smell
- Treats motion sickness
- Enhances the perception of pheromones, producing an aphrodisiac effect
- Restores luster and shine to hair and nails
- Strengthens the immune system
- May be used to align the spinal column
- Supports the heart
- Strengthens the adrenal glands
- Treats IBS, constipation, and diseases of the colon
- Clears the body of heavy metal toxins
Additional Details:
- SM Dimensions: 2.1” L x 1.5” W (approx.)
- MED Dimensions: 2.4” L x 1.6” W (approx.)
- The stone you receive will be intuitively chosen for you and may be slightly different than the one shown in the image.
- Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.