1657 Marion Center Rd.
Charlevoix MI, 49720
Phone: 231-459-8105
Email: support@jjcrystalrocks.com
Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.

Smoky Quartz Points – 8 Sizes


These high end, hard to find, Lemurian Smoky Quartz points measure approx. 2.5” to 7.5” in length and help focus energy and intention by directing energy upwards from the point. They help amplify energy and our intentions and help raise the vibrational energy of the surroundings. Wands make a powerful choice for the center of a grid. They lift the energy you are creating up and out into the Universe. 

(Read Full Description Below) 


Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding, cleansing and detoxifying crystal. It’s a stone that will amplify your energy and the energy around it. It will lift you into a higher state of consciousness. Smoky Quartz is known as a spiritual band aid to any wound, and it works to release emotions like jealousy, fear and anger. Because Smoky Quartz eliminates and detoxifies on every level, it is an amazing crystal to have near you, especially if you battle depression. It also protects you from the EMF waves emitted from electronics and appliances. If you are struggling with the fear of failure or holding onto a lot of negative tension, take the point of a Smoky Quartz and hold it away from you. Meditate in that position and watch the negative energies fall away. 

Smoky Quartz and The Chakras 

  • Root Chakra – Smoky Quartz works directly with the root chakra to ground and cleanse. It draws pure white light from the crown chakra down through to the root chakra to ground. 
  • Sacral chakra – helps heal the sacral chakra to ground and cleanse.

The Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz 

Smoky Quartz works with the physical body to heal by: 

  • Heals digestion issues 
  • Calms the nerves 
  • Stops tensions headaches 
  • Assists the body in detoxification by cleansing and purifying     

Additional Details: 

  • SM Dimensions: 2.5” L x 1.5” W x 2.25” H (approx.) 
  • MED Dimensions: 3.5” L x 2″ W x 1.75″ H (approx. 0.9 – 1 LB) 
  • LG Dimensions: 4.5” L x 2.5″ W x 1.75″ H (approx. 1.1 – 1.2 LB) 
  • XL Dimensions: 5.5” L x 2.75” W x 2” H (approx. 1.5 – 1.6 LB) 
  • 2XL Dimensions: 5.5” L x 3.5” W x 2.25” H (approx. 1.8 – 1.9 LB)
  • 3XL Dimensions: 5” L x 3.25” W x 3” H (approx. 2.1 – 2.2 LB) 
  • 4XL Dimensions: 6.5” L x 3.4” W x 2.5” H (approx. 2.4 – 2.5 LB) 
  • 5XL Dimensions: 7.25” L x 3” W x 2.75” H (approx. 3.1 LB) 
  • The stone you receive will be intuitively chosen for you and may be slightly different than the one shown in the image. 
  • Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs. 

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available Sizes


Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.