1657 Marion Center Rd.
Charlevoix MI, 49720
Phone: 231-459-8105
Email: support@jjcrystalrocks.com
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Rainbow Moonstone Sphere


This sphere is approx. 2” in diameter and can help to connect you to all energies in your surroundings. Spheres radiate energy smoothly and evenly in all directions. That is why they are often used for scrying. They create a peaceful and grounded energy. This encompassing energy makes spheres a potent choice for your home. Spheres are also a brilliant shape to use for the centerpiece in your grid work.

(Read Full Description Below)

17 in stock

SKU: 0060-RBMOON-SP Category: Tags: , ,


Rainbow Moonstone connects us to Divine Inspiration, and channels that energy into our own intuition. It encourages introspection and judgement and allows us to make better decisions and with more confidence. Rainbow Moonstone opens us up to more serendipitous events, and opens our minds to allow for more of those synchronicities to come into our lives. It offers us more patience so that more of these synchronicities can make it into our lives, and we can stop forcing the wrong paths.

Rainbow Moonstone enhances our creative vision, so that we can raise our creative abilities and freedom of expression, rather than being stuck in a creative rut. It helps us balance our masculine and feminine energies, which allows for a free flow of our creative inspirations. And this crystal helps us to find a quiet place in our minds so that we can simply “be”. It brings with it calm and stable and peaceful vibrations to help us stay in the moment.

Rainbow Moonstone and The Chakras

  • Sacral Chakra – Helps us ground and reduce our mind chatter. Brings peace and calming vibrations. Makes sure you are ready to receive joy.
  • Third Eye Chakra – Stimulates quieting of the mind, and the receiving of more synchronicities and new possibilities for manifesting.
  • Crown Chakra – Opens and brings in loving white healing energies that will flow through us to the very core of our being. May increase clairvoyance.

The Physical Healing Properties of Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone helps to heal our physical bodies by:

  • Treats eye infections and blurred vision
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Reduces stress
  • Eases menstrual problems and aids with erratic hormones
  • Can reduce sleepwalking
  • Stimulates digestion
  • Expels toxins from the body
  • Eases chronic pain
  • Slows down degenerative tissue

Additional Details: 

  • Dimension: 2” Diameter (approx.) 
  • The stone you receive will be intuitively chosen for you and may be slightly different than the one shown in the image.
  • Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.

Additional information

Weight 190-220 g
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 in
Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.