Ruby Zoisite, also known as Anyolite, works with the Root, Heart and Third Eye Chakras to balance energies and combat depression. This stone is known to calm whoever is near it, easing anxiety and worry. Grounding and motivating, this crystal can help you keep your goals realistic and give you the encouragement needed to accomplish them. Ruby Zoisite may also help you with improved circulation and eased menstrual cramping.
Ruby Zoisite is widely known to help with grief and to release pain from emotions such as anger and despair. This crystal will help to bring hidden and suppressed emotions forward so they can be healed and released. It will also help give you courage during times of stress and chaos giving you positive vibrations and the self-confidence you need to make it through. Being an emotional healer, this stone will help to improve romantic relationships by encouraging empathy and sensitivity toward yourself and others. Ruby Zoisite is a stone of good luck and fortune! It brings grounding, vitality and relaxation to its owner.
Due to the calming vibrations of this stone, it can help those suffering from depression, panic attacks, and insomnia. Ruby Zoisite will also increase your physical vitality, easing adrenal fatigue and regulating your metabolism and body weight. This crystal may be used for disorders of the heart, fevers, boosting memory, and detoxifying the body. Another wonderful benefit of having this stone is that it is highly beneficial for the reproductive organs. It may treat conditions like sexual dysfunction, help with infertility, and gynecological issues such as regulating menstrual flow.
Ruby Zoisite will bring you enlightenment and connection with your soul and higher self. It will help to expand your consciousness and aid in spiritual learning. This stone can also be used to access soul memories, increase your intuition, strengthen your life force energy and to increase and purify your aura. Ruby Zoisite is such a beautiful stone to have around. May it bring you many blessings!
Additional Details:
- Dimension: 2.5” W x 13” H (approx. 4 LB)
- The stone in the picture is the stone you will receive.
- Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.