1657 Marion Center Rd.
Charlevoix MI, 49720
Phone: 231-459-8105
Email: support@jjcrystalrocks.com
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XL Shungite Skulls With Pyrite Inclusions


Do you know about the importance of spiritual protection? We have found holding a skull during meditation takes you deep into your subconscious. Shungite is a crystal that will definitely detoxify memories along with PTSD down to a cellular level all the way through your body. Russian shungite, we feel needs to be in everyone’s home due to the fact, we have no long-term research on EMF / 5G. Placing this type of crystal near electronics provides protection for your whole family. This is a Crystal that everyone needs in their home. 

These gorgeous skulls are approx. 3 in height and approximately 1.3 pounds. Use during meditation to channel guidance or ancestral knowledge. By connecting to your ancestors, guides, or other spiritual masters, crystal carved skulls can be used to grow your knowledge of your authentic self and path. Skulls can also give you and your space the confidence to manifest your intentions and would be great on your crystal grid!

(Read Full Description Below)

23 in stock

SKU: 0433-SHUNG-CI Categories: ,



Shungite is an amazing carbon stone dating back over 2 billion years. It houses massive clearing energy for protection from EMFs. Shungite is a stone that will aid in deep root chakra healing and will help you to feel grounded and stable. If you struggle with grounding into your root chakra, this stone will connect you with the earth as well as your ancestors to bring in a balance of yin and yang energy. It is recommended to hold a piece in your non-dominant hand, also known as your receptive hand. If you are ambidextrous, it is okay to use either hand.

Within the metaphysical or spiritual body, Shungite can assist with setting boundaries, clearing, bringing good luck and calming anxiety and worry. If you need the courage to remove negative people from your life, this stone can help. This stone is known to heal past life traumas that may have been carried over to the present. This is an excellent stone for old souls to understand pain and transmute it into wisdom. Shungite can help improve relationship cohesiveness, give you drive and follow through to achieve your life goals. On a metaphysical level this as a stone that is known to clear and activate your chakras. If you are looking to widen your third eye chakra, it is recommended to place a piece over it. This stone will help immensely through your spiritual awakening and ascension process. Grounding is the key to your life force and to every day good spiritual living.

Because this is a carbon-electrical stone, it works as an antioxidant and will rid the free radicals within your physical body as well as reduce the effects of radiation. Physical symptoms that can be healed with having Shungite in your environment include headaches, insomnia, skin conditions, inflammation, IBS and has been shown to stabilize blood sugar and build the immune system.

With the increase of 5G towers worldwide, we feel it is very important that we all have pieces of Shungite within our homes. Placing Shungite near your electronics, whether it be a computer, router, microwave, cell phone or any type of radiation emitting appliance, is extremely important. This stone works by reducing the amount and the effects of radiation on your body. Placing this stone at your bedside while sleeping will be highly beneficial in boosting your body’s regeneration and protecting and clearing the body and energy from EMFs so you can rest peacefully. 

Special Notes:  

  • To recharge your stone, place it in direct sunlight for approx. 3-6 hours  
  • Rinse Russian Shungite under fresh running water on a monthly basis.  
  • If looking to make Shungite-infused water:
    • After looking at over 15 different recommendations, it would appear that the consensus is not to drink more than 8 to 16 ounces per/day.  
    • Getting a few of these stones may be helpful to receive the maximum benefit so you can allow your stone to soak for a full 24 hours.  
    • For children, we recommend placing Shungite near the radiation emitting appliance instead of having them ingest Shungite-infused water. 



Pyrite is a stone of good luck, wealth, and abundance. It has creative energies that encourages one to follow your dreams. Pyrite is an extremely protective stone of masculine energies. Pyrite works to attract abundance, purity, and passion. It can free you from creative blocks.

Because of pyrite’s masculine energy, it is known for stimulating energy and vitality. That energy helps it be a stone of protection, blocking negative energies, psychic attacks, and EMF smog. It helps undo negative behavioral patterns as you connect with yourself and grow. It is a stone that should also be used for crystal grid work.

Pyrite and The Chakras

  • Sacral Chakra – Use Pyrite with your sacral chakra to boost your vital life force energy, creativity, and passion for life!
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Our gut feelings and intuition come from this chakra. Using Pyrite will help boost your senses, but also trust them. It brings an abundance of positive energy, is an amazing manifestor, and helps us to be free of allergic reactions.

The Healing Properties of Pyrite

Pyrite helps to heal the physical body by:

  • Stimulates the intellect
  • Enhances memory
  • Helps fight viral infections
  • Reduces fevers
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Strengthens the respiratory system
  • Improves lung health
  • Eases asthma
  • Stimulates endocrine function

Additional Details: 

  • Dimension: 3W x 3 H (approx. 1..3lbs)
  • The stone you receive will be intuitively chosen for you and may be slightly different than the one shown in the image. Please be assured all of our crystals are top quality. 
  • Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.

Additional information

Weight 520-570 g
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in
Planning on visiting the Private Showroom?? Please make an appointment ahead of time: CONTACT PAGE.