1657 Marion Center Rd.
Charlevoix MI, 49720
Phone: 231-459-8105
Email: support@jjcrystalrocks.com
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Small Obsidian Pyramids


Perfect size for placing anywhere in your home! Obsidian is a truth enhancing protective stone that absorbs negative energy from the environment.The sacred geometry of pyramids can help you manifest your desires by anchoring and directing the energy of your intentions. They raise the vibrational energy and offer a shield of spiritual protection for your home or office. They are powerful, central stones that can be used for grid work, reading tarot cards, and as a reminder of your intentions for your life. 

(Read Full Description Below) 

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Obsidian is formed from volcanic glass and protects against psychic attacks by forming a shield around the bearer. Obsidian is known to help diffuse tension and bring good luck. Works with the root chakra to return negative energy back to the earth to be recycled and renewed.

Obsidian is known to recognize and block psychic attacks and absorb negative energy from the environment. Tension and mental stress will not survive when Obsidian is around you. This stone promotes growth in all areas of our lives to align with our highest path and purpose. There is so much clarity, deep healing, self-assurance, enlightenment, and strength when using this stone. Obsidian will also help you with your gift of prophecy, contacting spirit guides and is known for good luck and success. Holistically, Obsidian can help relieve pain associated with arthritis and joint pain, aids in digestion, promotes circulation and accelerates the healing of wounds. Obsidian is a stone that everyone can use to their benefit in some aspect of their lives.

Additional Details:  

  • Dimension: 1.5” W x 1.5” H
  • The stone you receive will be intuitively chosen for you and may be slightly different than the one shown in the image.  
  • Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs. 

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